Tag: local video marketing

Wat is een pitch video? door Tony de Bree

Wat is een pitch video?

Goede morgen, video marketing in allerlei vormen wordt op social media steeds belangrijker en dat geldt zeker voor 'pitch video's'.  Wat is een 'pitchvideo'?... Read more »
'Startups: vergeet 'pitches' en 'video pitches' door Tony de Bree

Startups: vergeet ‘pitches’ en ‘video pitches’

Hoi, Volgens de 'pitch-gurus' moet je bv als oprichter van een startup tijdens Corona je 7-seconden pitches nu online zetten in de vorm van... Read more »
3 Ways Online Videos Can Boost Your Local Business by Tony de Bree

3 Ways Online Videos Can Boost Your Local Business

You probably already know that videos can prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools you can use today. However, you may... Read more »
'Startups: vergeet 'pitches' en 'video pitches' door Tony de Bree

5 Benefits of ‘Pitch Videos’, Short Marketing Videos

Hi, Many marketing videos are between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long, but what about using videos that are even shorter than that? Is... Read more »

3 Signs You Should Invest in Video Marketing

Are you wondering whether or not you should be investing in  type of video marketing during this Corona-crisis? The answer is 'yes'. If you’re... Read more »
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