Hybrid working & Working AT Home Managers & Employees

What is The Great Lay-Off by Tony de Bree

What Is The Great AI-Layoff?

What Is The Great AI-Layoff? Since the second half of 2022 and the launch of ChatGPT, a new trend can be observed in traditional... Read more »
What is The Great Lay-Off by Tony de Bree

What Is The Great Layoff?

What Is The Great Layoff? Since the beginning of the War in Ukraine, a new trend can be observed in the labour market and... Read more »
What is right-skilling entrepreneurs by Tony de Bree -2

What Is Right-Skilling Entrepreneurs?

What is right-skilling entrepreneurs? Learning the right soft- and hard skills are critical for any entrepreneur to start a sustainable business and survive and... Read more »
Hybrid working & working at home tips tricks online courses and digital products by Tony de Bree

[NEW]: Online Working For Online Entrepreneurs – Tips, Tricks, Online Courses & Digital Products

[[NEW]: Online Working For Online Entrepreneurs – Tips, Tricks, Online Courses & Digital Products Many large organisations have quickly started hybrid working and especially... Read more »
Hybrid Working & Working At Home For Managers & Employees – Tips, Tricks, Online Courses & Digital Products by Tony de Bree

[NEW]: Hybrid Working & Working At Home For Managers & Employees – Tips, Tricks, Online Courses & Digital Products

[NEW]: Hybrid Working & Working At Home For Managers & Employees – Tips, Tricks, Online Courses & Digital Products. Many large organisations have quickly... Read more »
The New Normal Economy - Hybrid Working And Working At Home For Managers & Employees - ebook - checklists - by Tony de Bree

[MUST USE]: The New Normal Economy – Hybrid Working And Working At Home For Managers & Employees

[MUST USE]: The New Normal Economy - Hybrid Working And Working At Home For Managers & Employees. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic,... Read more »
The Great Resignation For HR-Professionals by Tony de Bree

The Great Resignation For HR-Professionals

The Great Resignation For HR-Professionals. In the United States and in a number of other countries, HR professionals and labor market trendwatchers talk a... Read more »
What is personal right-skilling by Tony de Bree

What Is Personal Right-Skilling?

What Is Personal Right-Skilling? Good morning, Many HR-professionals and large training institutes, corporate labor market advisors, career coaches and corporate HR departments, talk about... Read more »
Right-skilling for your own future by Tony de Bree

Right-Skilling For Your Own Future

Right-Skilling For Your Own Future. Talent management and career development are hot right now. Upskilling talent, but especially right-skilling talent, plays an increasingly important... Read more »
What is Right-skilling talent by Tony de Bree

What Is Right-Skilling Talent?

What is right-skilling talent? Talent management and career development are hot right now. Upskilling talent, but especially right-skilling talent, plays an increasingly important role... Read more »
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