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Corporate skills are irrelevant for successful entrepreneurship - Tony de Bree

Corporate Skills Irrelevant For Successful Entrepreneurship

Good morning. almost 10 years ago I left my well paid job at the global ABN Amro Bank to become an independent business owner, a hybrid entrepreneur. In this blog I share my personal lessons learned about the relevance of...
What are printables by Tony de Bree

What are printables?

Good afternoon, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all been working from home more and more. In doing so, we have to organize ourday, plan our work well and be and remain productive. And also stay in...
Wat is een Twittercratie door Tony de Bree

Wat is een Twittercratie?

View Post Hallo, hoe gaat het?  op de radio, op de t.v. en in de mainstream media werd meesmuilend gesproken over Trump en de media in de Verenigde Staten. En klopt men zichzelf op de borst vanwege de eigen 'professionaliteit'....
Groningen Sustainable Business Challenge 2020 Jury with Tony de Bree

[NEWS]: Groningen Sustainable Business Challenge 2021

Groningen Sustainable Business Challenge (GSBC) 2021 the coming week. Goodmorning, it is always great to be able to continue positive ties and relationships with your own universities and to learn from eachother. In my case that includes the University in...
Wat is sustainable business development by Tony de Bree

What is sustainable business development?

What Is Sustainable Business Development? Morning, there is a real hype online about 'sustainable business development'. If you type in 'what is sustainable development' on Google, you get a traditional 'corporate' definition of sustainable business development. What is sustainable business...
Making money working from home - Tony de Bree - Venture Cafe 04032021

[BREAKOUT]: ‘Making Money Online While Working From Home’, Venture Café, Thursday 4th of March

Hi! How are you today? Since the beginning of COVID-19, many SMEs including founders of startups had to learn how to make money working from home. Based on my own experience since 2001 and thousands of people worldwide and again...
Overheadkosten overheid - zijn die allemaal noodzakelijk door Tony de Bree

[COLUMN]: Wanneer gaat de Overheid onder leiding van Hoekstra en het Ministerie van Financiën zelf right-sizen

Grote en kleine bedrijven moeten de broekriem aanhalen en 'right-sizen' om de Coronacrisis te overleven. Maar wanneer gaat de overheid onder leiding van minister Wopke Hoekstra en het Ministerie van Financiën zelf eindelijk eens right-sizen en aan de enorme overheadkosten, niet-noodzakelijke kosten,...
What is future-proofing yourself by Tony de Bree

What Is Resilience?

Morning, since the beginning of the Covid-91, there is a lot of talk online and offline around different types of 'mindsets' including for instance an 'entrepreneurial mindset' that you need to have to start your own company online for instance....
What is a mindset by Tony de Bree

What Is A Mindset?

Morning, since the beginning of the Covid-91, there is a lot of talk online and offline around different types of 'mindsets' including for instance an 'entrepreneurial mindset' that you need to have to start your own company online for instance....
Elbers van KLM gebruikt staatssteun om een reisbureau op te richten door Tony de Bree

Elbers van KLM gebruikt staatssteun om een reisbureau op te richten

Tja, vandaag ophef in de De Telegraaf over het feit dat CEO Elbers van KLM Royal Dutch Airlines met staatssteun een eigen reisbureau gaat oprichten. Is dat nieuws? Nee, a) dat kondigde Elbers in 2019 al in de Telegraaf aan (21 november 2019)! Elbers...
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