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What Is Relevant Life-Long Learning?

What Is Relevant Life-Long Learning? Relevant lifelong learning is the continuous process of acquiring knowledge and skills that are meaningful and beneficial to you throughout your life. It's not just about formal education or accumulating random bits of information. It's...
AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money To Survive In The AI-Powered Economy - by Tony de Bree

AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money To Survive In The AI-Powered Economy

AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money To Survive In The AI-Powered Economy. Morning, how are you? Enjoying work or are you less calm now because of the possible consequences of...
AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money In The Online Gig Economy by Tony de Bree -2

AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money In The Online Gig Economy

AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling At Universities And Business Schools Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money In The Online Gig Economy How are you? Enjoying work or are you less calm now because of the possible consequences of the perfect...
How to pivot your life and career fast by Tony de Bree -2

How To Pivot Your Life And Career And Fast

How To Pivot Your Life And Career And Fast Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and even more after many people are losing their job in the Great AI-Layoff in marketing, finance and even ICT, many of us inside...
What is AI-right skilling by Tony de Bree -2

What Is AI-Right-Skilling?

What Is AI-Right-Skilling? AI-right- skilling is the process of equipping you as individual with the right knowledge, skills, and capabilities to work effectively with AI technologies as a manager, employee, HR-professional and solopreneur and survive the Great-AI-Layoff or for Leaving...
Traditional outplacement is a waste of your valuable time, energy and money in times of crisis by Tony de Bree

Traditional AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling Education Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money For Online Entrepreneurs

Traditional AI-Upskilling & AI-Reskilling Education Is a Waste of Time, Energy & Money For Online Entrepreneurs How are you? Enjoying work or are you less calm now because of the possible consequences of the perfect storm after the war in...

AI-Powered Writing Vs AI-Generated Writing

AI-Powered Writing Versus AI-Generated Writing AI-powered writing and AI-generated writing are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. - AI-powered writing is a broader term that refers to any type of writing that is...

How Do I Get A Gemini Access Token?

How Do I Get A Gemini Access Token? To obtain a Gemini access token, you'll need to create a Gemini application and register it with the Gemini API. Here's a step-by-step guide: Create a Gemini account: If you don't already...
AI-for entrepreneurs by Tony de Bree on www.survivalstrategyforentrepreneurs

AI For Entrepreneurs

AI For Entrepreneurs The democratiation of AI in 2022 has had a major impact on the business model and revenue models of us entrepreneurs. Fast and on-demand AI-skilling is key for any entrepreneur to survive and thrive in the AI-powered...

Generative AI In 2024: What To Expect

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapid in recent years, and the potential of AI has been widely discussed. As the technology continues to evolve, many experts are speculating what the future of AI will hold. In particular,...
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