Traditional outplacement is a waste of your valuable time, energy and money in times of crisis.
How are you? Enjoying work or are you less calm in your place now because of the possible consequences of the Covid-19 crisis and The Great Resignation for your current permanent job in 2022? I can well imagine the latter.
Why? Well, what continues to strike me is also on LinkedIn is that corporate labor market experts and corporate recruiters are still pretending that there are enough permanent jobs for higher educated staff and that if you resign voluntarily or not in The Great Resignation, you therefor have to focus still have to focus completely on a corporate LinkedIn profile. To increase the chance of a permanent job with large companies and with the governments. Why? Because the number of permanent corporate and ‘fat firm jobs’ for which you need specific corporate skills and corporate diplomas is decreasing rapidly and the number of people with the same experience and the same diploma’s is still increasing rapidly. So less and less corporate demand and more and more corporate supply.
Traditional outplacement was a waste of my valuable time, energy and money.
Like many highly educated people in traditional large organizations, I left ABN Amro in 2011 and had to go through a traditional corporate outplacement program in preparation for my departure in the second half of 2011 (see here).
I already knew, among other things, because I had started as an online entrepreneur since 2001 as my online plan-b, that that was a waste of valuable time, money and energy of ABN Amro, but also of myself. Why? Because even then the chance for someone like me, highly educated and over 40, to find a new similar job with a similar salary was practically zero. But more importantly, I didn’t want to work in a big, bureaucratic ‘fat firm’ anymore with predominant old-school managers like at ABN Amro after 2008. I wanted a different life for myself and for my family. And there was another reason.
Read: The Online Gig Ecocomy Tips, Online Courses & Digital Products, Quit Your Job Tips, Online Courses & Digital Products, & The Great Resignation For HR-Professionals
Because I’d been working on my ‘online plan-b’ since 2001 and had loved helping writing and selling my own digital products and especially my short e-books online from home as online solopreneur with my own virtual business ecosystem with trusted suppliers, strategic partners & online freelancers worldwide.
And those practical experiences with earning money online as a side-hustle’ in the online gig economy (yes already then) from home based on my own personal right-skilling plan and my own experiences and those of many peers ‘from banker to self-employed person ‘ have helped me immensely. Especially since the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis. Since then I have called this approach ‘Outplacement 2.0’ as part of your personal and professional quit-your-job pivoting your life journey.
It took me years to work out how it works online outside of the corporate online world, by sharing my hands-on experiences including my mistakes since 2001, you learn it much quicker.
Start your own virtual outplacement 2.0 journey today.
The new ‘quit your job’ modular virtual learning programs are intended to help you to quit your corporate or other ‘fat firm’ job at your own time and at your own pace. Based on your own personal right-skillingplan. You choose your own destiny: to become a successful online and/or offline entrepreneur. As freelancer, as consultant, trainer or coach. Or to found a successful FinTech, RegTech, Impact or eHealth startup or to work for a FinTech, RegTech, Impact or eHealth startup or scale-up. To survive the online shakeout and to start, grow and scale your online business in the online gig economy, staying small with ICT.
Contact me today here to arrange a virtual meeting asap.
Tony de Bree worked at ABN AMRO for 26 years and successfully made the transition from banker to entrepreneur with his own “online plan b”. He is a digital strategy and consultant, speaker, lecturer and business coach and serial writer of a large number of how-to-books and eBooks in Dutch and English. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, Tony helps corporates, startups & scaleups to survive the crisis and a managers and employees executives to make the transition ‘from employee to entrepreneur’ to online entrepreneur, working online at home or to a successful founder of a FinTech, RegTech, Impact or eHealth-startup.